Midlands State University

Teacher training for Education for Sustainable Development competency


Midlands State University





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Institutional Approach

Midlands State University (MSU) is a multi-campus, distance learning-centric public univerfsity in Zimbabwe. MSU has heavily invested in the 'Change Project', designed to support transormative innovations towards Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in teacher education in Zambia and Zimbabwe. By implementing the change project approach, MSU has reoriented the university's curriculum, and instituted programs to build teacher-educator capacity for future-oriented thinking and acting, supporting both student and community sustainable development underpinned by core values such as Ubuntu. Through the project, MSU has initiated an intra- and interdepartmental dialogue and workshopping approach to support the use of ESD principles for developing, constructing and implementing a competence-based curriculum, accompanied by reflexive action research on the process.


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Universities for Sustainable Futures

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