Arizona State University

Transdisciplinary research and education for wicked sustainability challenges


Arizona State University


North America



founding year


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Institutional Approach

Arizona State University exemplifies an innovative whole-institute approach to sustainability. The university has spearheaded what it calls the 'New American University' model of innovative higher education, wherein sustainability and transdisciplinarity are core values, and student well-being and graduation rate are of paramount importance. The School of Sustainability, which has embedded sustainability across every faculty and institute, was the first in the US to grant degrees in sustainability. Problem-based learning to address wicked problems of sustainability is core to the educational approach at the school of sustainability. In particular, the Global Sustainability Research Masters is an innovative transdisciplinary master program pioneering the concept of Solution-Oriented Sustainability, where transformative research projects are carried out in public or private organizations or cities, building place-based knowledge and relationships. The School of Sustainability also runs the ‘Sustainability Scientists and Scholars’ program which funds teaching and research proposals for further sustainability integration and innovation.


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Universities for Sustainable Futures

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