Cascadia College

Green campus and habitat restoration for climate resilience


Cascadia College


North America



founding year


student body



Institutional Approach

Cascadia College has been ranked number 1 in the U.S. by the Association for the Advanvement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) from 2018 to 2022 for their sustainable campus grounds efforts. In their Cornucopia Food Forest and campus grounds, the focus lies on permaculture management, providing opportunities for experiential learning, living labs approaches and integration between students and visitors/community members. Furthermore, a 58-acre wetland on campus is being restored and protected, and is intended for use as a living lab. The college offers an interdisciplinary Bachelor of Applied Science in Sustainability Practices, blending coursework and community based learning activities in natural science, social science, political science, research methods and economics.


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