College of the Menominee Nation

Sustainable development pedagogy guided by Native American tribal values


College of the Menominee Nation


North America



founding year


student body



Institutional Approach

The Menominee Nation is a Native American tribe based in Wisconsin, USA. The Sustainble Development Institute (SDI) of the College of the Menominee Nation was first established in 1993. It fulfills its mission through scholarship, research and demonstration projects, policy recommendations and academic training in Sustainble Development and Timber Harvesting. The SDI applies the values, wisdom, and practices of the Indigenous Menominee culture to a comprehensive approach of sustainability that supports and balances the needs of the Menominee. The concept of Menominee Autochthony, a sense of place and connection to the land- is used as a guiding model and principle for Sustainable Development at the College; building on traditional sustainable land-use practices of the Nation. The Institute supports and advances sustainability through initiatves strongly involving community engagement and education, demonstrated through research and practical projects, promoting, measuring and reporting sustainable practices, and fostering community engagement.


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