Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has three university-wide initiatives for sustainability: the Office of Sustainability, the Environmental Solutions Initiative and the Energy Initiative. The Office of Sustainability has a Zero Carbon campus initiative and focuses on the use of the campus as a test bed (living lab) for sustainable innovation, engaging faculty, operational staff, and students. Successful living lab projects support the Zero Carbon initiative, such as monitoring solar energy demand, fresh water recovery and public transit access in co-design with public authorities. The Environmental Solutions Initiative aims to foster interdisciplinary innovation in sustainability, granting funding for collaborative, cross-disciplinary research, while the Energy Initiative functions as an interdisciplinary hub for research and education for low- and no-carbon solutions. The Professional Education branch of MIT also offers the program ‘Sustainability : Strategies and Opportunities for Industry’, an online course for professionals aimed at fostering competencies in sustainability core understanding, assessments and policy design and implementation.