University College London

Community co-production of action research for sustainable urban development


University College London





founding year


student body



Institutional Approach

University College London (UCL) has been an innovator in the co-production of community-university engagement, under their mission to facilitate sustainable human progress. UCL has spear-headed the sustainable urban develeopment initiative 'Community-University Knowledge Strategy for London' or 'Collaborate!', in collaboration with Justspace!, a network of grassroots community groups. This resulted in the development of a community-wide university:society network, formed via participatory events, aiming to foster better partnerships between grassroots organisations and London universities. Specific action groups on housing, economy, environment, transport and social inclusion, among others were formed. The network of community practitioners and academics has generated strategic sustainability policy for the whole of London, legally inserting itself into municipal decision making. Additional impacts of the initiative led to increased inclusion and accessibility for community groups to the university. This included guaranteeing cost-free access to university facilities and knowledge resources (libraries, meeting spaces, digital subscriptions) to community groups, a sharing platform for strategic plans, and a platform within London universities for decolonization of the curriculum. On the level of education; an institute-wide steering group embeds Education for Sustainable Development across the entire UCL curriculum.


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