University of Bradford

EcoVersity approach to whole-institute sustainability embedding


University of Bradford





founding year


student body



Institutional Approach

The University of Bradford is pioneering the concept of an ‘EcoVersity’: embedding sustainability and circularity into all aspects of university operations. They have embeded the SDGs into their teaching, research, and education, and they hold permanent observer status at the UNFCCC COPs. The EcoVersity initiative, initiated in 2005, has contributed to a significant reduction in the university’s carbon footprint, circular economy and biodiversity campus transformations, the inclusion of an Education for Sustainable Development component in almost all university courses, and changes in attitudes and behaviour of the university community. Bradford is home to the first academic center for the circular economy, which also offers a post-graduate MBA certificate in Innovation, Enterprise and the Circular Economy. The EcoVersity principles and process of implementation have been documented and disseminated as ’10 principles for embedding sustainability’ in higher education.


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