University of Edinburg

Zero carbon and circularity goals, with interdisciplinary research and capacity building


University of Edinburg





founding year


student body



Institutional Approach

The University of Edinburgh takes a wide-reaching whole-institute approach to sustainability. The department of Social Responsibility and Sustainability implements strategies and mandates for the whole-institute, as well as specific themes for the institute such as Biodiversity, Anti-slavery, and Responsible Investment. They are on-track to becoming a zero-Carbon and circular university by 2040, supported by a comprehensive road map. Edinburgh also offers a “Sustainability Leadership Program” as personal and professional development to all students and staff. This includes various programs – such as carbon literacy training, and incentives, such as research grants, to enable students and staff link their studies or work to sustainability and sustainable efforts at the university. The university created the Edinburgh Earth Initiative in 2021 to coordinate, stimulate and promote interdisciplinary sustainability research and partnerships, particularly with the Global South, with broad themes including carbon sequestration, climate and health, air pollution and adaptation, equity and justice.


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Universities for Sustainable Futures

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