University of Essex

Climate and ecological emergency group to steer institutional action


University of Essex





founding year


student body



Institutional Approach

The University of Essex formed the Climate and Ecological Emergy Group in 2020 to accelerate climate action and embed sustainability in all aspects of the university. This innovative governance format has resulted in a strong sustainability steering body chaired by the director of estate and campus services (operations), further composed of the directors of education, student unions, finance, trade unions and operations. The group has laid out a Sustainability Sub-Strategy and Climate Action Plan covering thirteen priority areas such as: reducing carbon emissions and other on-campus efforts, expanding sustainability education and research and financial decision-making. For all efforts they provide key performance indicators, mapped against the SDGs. Operations are on-track to achieve zero-carbon emissions by 2035, and they have used 100% carbon neutral electricity since 2019. They have issued an institutional policy on fossil fuel divestment, and have initiatives to embed Education for Sustainable Development across the entire curriculum.


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