University of Zaragoza

Circular Society Lab challenging traditional research approaches to sustainability


University of Zaragoza





founding year


student body



Institutional Approach

The University of Zaragoza, Spain, is experimenting with innovative arts-based approaches to sustainability and circularity. The Circular Society Lab acts as a hub for interdisciplinary and experimental, creative ideas around circularity. For example, their CirculArt initiative, led by a multidisciplinary group of teachers and researchers, promotes research and learning experiences to stimulate arts-led sustainability transitions. As a part of this initiative, the ‘Mail me Art’ project explored the artistic methods, communicative techniques and tools that can be used to express and explore sustainability themes. The project facilitated young artists to mail-in art or reproductions of art that convey messages of sustainability. The CirculArt Project also assumes that individual creativity is not only a unique product mediated by individual personality or environmental situations, but also a skill that allows creators to bring a different perspective, assume individual agency in sustainability transformations and communicate ideas through new expressive forms.


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